Music infor4R sequencer. Instruction Manual – Inici (Start) – Study
The music infor4R sequencer consists of three phases: Inici (Start). Estudi (Study). Fusion. Each phase has an associated panel.
This instruction manual refers to the phases: Inici and Estudi.
General questions:
The program has to run in full screen, otherwise the whole panel may not come out.
The program panels have a structure as follows:
Action Bar : Main menu. Above, horizontal and green.
Panel body : Rest of the panel in blue. It may also contain action buttons.
Message Line : At the bottom of the panel. Red color.
The following nomenclature is always used:
- Titles and literals in sepia color.
- Non-editable fields in white.
- Modifiable fields in light green.
- Actions: Black fields on a white background.
Any changes to a field must be followed by “enter” for it to work.
It is assumed that the “/musicaV7” folder containing application and files has been installed on the C: disk. Otherwise, the route should be modified as described in the installation document.
Main menu actions.
Exit : Exit the app.
Explorer : Shows a window on the left with a series of subfolders located in the C:/musicaV7 folder
Clicking on the subfolders will display other subfolders or application files: midi (.mid) and projects (.prj).
Two Actions can be performed: Estudi (Study) or Fusion
Estudi Action:
Drag a midi file (.mid) or project (.prj) to the field: “Fitxer Midi Estudi”. The “Path Fitxer Estudi” field fills up automatically.
Data can also be entered by typing in the File and Path fields. (remembering to give “enter” for him to accept).
Click on the “Estudi” button. The application gives control to the “Estudi” screen.
Fusion Action:
Drag a midi file (.mid) or project (.prj) to the field: “Fitxer Midi Control”. The “Path Fitxer Control” field fills in automatically.
Data can also be entered by typing in the File and Path fields. (remembering to give “enter” for him to accept).
Click on the “Fusion” button. The application gives control to the “Fusion” screen.
It is associated with the Study screen.
It consists of five parts:
1. Action bar (green) at the top.
2. General data of the .mid clip. Under the Action Bar
Midi file name
Compass:. The total number of compass
Total time: minutes and seconds. Time in microseconds:
3. One line below:
The current scale and the new scale. The BPM (Beats Per Minute) And the new BPM.
4. A table with a line for each instrument. For each instrument the following data:
Track -Channel-Polyphony-Octaves-Name of the instrument. And the fields to modify the data of each instrument
5. The message line.
Action bar actions (main menu)
Instruments: Opens a left side window where the instruments are listed. They can be dragged to the instrument column to change an instrument.
Play V.O .: Pressing the play button of V.O. (original version) the clip will sound. Whenever we press the V.O. the Original Version will sound without any changes and with all instruments.
Play Sel V.O .: The clip sounds with V.O. but only active instruments
Play Studio: The clip sounds with the changes made
Stop (||): Stop play
Continue: Follow the play where it stopped
Stop: Stop play and can no longer continue
Save Estudi: Save the studio midi file to the C./musicaV7/studi folder
Save Mel: Save the midi instrument to the C./musicaV7/melodia folder
Save Har: Save the midi instrument to the C./musicaV7/harmonia folder
Save Bat: Save the midi battery to the C./musicV7/bateria folder
Save Projecte: Save the project to the C./musicaV7/projEstudi folder
Exit: Exit the app
Start: Return to the homepage
General clip changes.
1. It can be changed to “Scale”. Click on “Sense Canvi” and the list of “Scales” in English notation is displayed (C: Do, D: Re, E: Mi, F: Fa, G: Sol, A: La, B: Si … ib: flat) …. and a new one can selected
When you do “play Estudi” and the theme will sound on the selected scale.
– We can move the “Scale”. All notes on the selected Scale scroll increase by one or more tones (from +1 to +6) or decrease by one or more tones (from -1 to -6). Clicking on the field of a position next to the Scale displays the options from -6 to +6)
Now we do “play Estudi” and the theme will sound with the Scale Shifted.
2. You can change the BPMs increase or decrease 10 by 10 (+10 and -10 keys). Or edit the field in green by entering a number + “enter”.
Now when doing “play studio” it will sound faster or slower depending on the BPM entered.
Instrument-level changes.
1. Change of instrument
Click on the “Instruments” option and the instruments will be displayed in a window on the left. You can now drag an instrument over the name of the instrument you want to change. All the desired changes can be made except the “battery”.
Once changed by pressing the letter “i” next to the name, the instrument returns to the original version. Clicking on the “I” at the top of the “i” ‘s column returns all instruments to those of the original version.
Clicking “play Estudi” will sound the theme with the modified instruments.
2. Remove instruments.
In the “E” column. A “1” means active instrument, A “0” deleted instrument.
Clicking on the “E” changes all the columns at once if they are in “1” they all go to “0” and if they are to “0” they go to “1”.
Clicking “Play Studio” sounds only the active instruments (1).
If a single instrument is active you can determine if it is part of the melody or if they play chords (harmony) or if it is the battery. And if it is considered that we can use it later in the Fusion phase, we save it with the corresponding action: Save Mel, Save Har, Save Bat.
By clicking “play Sel V.O.” only active but unchanged instruments sound, as they are in Original Version.
3. Modify Volume and Balance
– For each instrument you can increase or decrease the volume by moving the indicator by the horizontal bar.
Pressing the button: “Volumen” the volumes return to the starting position.
– For each instrument you can change the balance (the sound comes more from one side than the other) by moving the indicator by the horizontal bar
Pressing the button: “Balance” the signals return to the starting position.
4. Modify Scale and scale offset
As in the general case but now at the level of each instrument the scale and the displacement of the scale can be modified.
Pressing the “Scale” button undoes all changes.
5. Change of octaves.
If you click on +1 the notes of the instrument increase one octave.
If you click on -1 the notes of the instrument decrease by one octave.
Clicking on the +1 of the description bar increases all instruments by one octave
Clicking on the -1 of the description bar decreases by one octave all instruments
6. Change of bass / treble notes
The low notes turn into highs and the highs into highs.
The transformation can be modulated by a factor of -10 to +10.
7. Modify the sequence of notes.
So that they follow an inverted series. The notes sound in inverted sequence.
The investment can be modulated according to the number of notes to be invested through a factor of 1 to 60. In case of 1 all the notes are reversed.
Get midi files with changes made.
1. “Save Estudi” Button
Each time you click, a midi file is saved in the “/musicaV7/studio” folder, which is what sounds like “play Estudi”. It is recorded with the name: N: 0 to X is the version. Each time you click the “Diskette Studio” button, it increases by 1.
2. “Save Mel” button
Each time you click, a midi file is recorded in the “/musicaV7/melodia” folder, which is what sounds with “play Estudi”. It is recorded with the name: N: 0 to X is the version. Each time you click the “Save Mel” Button, it increases by 1. A single instrument is recommended for the melody. This midi can be used in the fusion phase.
3. “Save Har” button
Each time you click, a midi file is recorded in the “/musicaV7 /harmonia” folder, which is what “Play Estudi” sounds like. It is recorded with the name: N: 0 to X is the version. Each time you click the “Save Har” button, it increases by 1. A single instrument is recommended for harmony. This midi can be used in the fusion phase.
4. “Save Bat” button
Each time you click, a midi file is recorded in the “/musicaV7/battery” folder, which is what sounds with “play Estudi”. It is recorded with the name: N: 0 to X is the version. Each time you click the “Save Bat” button, it increases by 1. A single instrument is recommended for the drums. This midi can be used in the fusion phase.
We understand as a project all the information we have on the screen. It can be stored before leaving to continue later.
When we are first analyzing a midi file, a “Projecte” button appears below the header menu and next “Nou projecte”.
Clicking on the “Projecte” button opens a window for editing text, entering all the information that may be considered appropriate. You can click “Projecte” at any time and update the information associated with the project.
The “Save Project” Button in the header menu creates or updates a project.
If “Nou Projecte” appears in the project name, clicking on the “Save diskette” button will create a project in the “/musicaV7/ projEstudi” folder with the name: PE. nom-del-midi-of-study.N.prj N is a number from 0 to X. If a new project is created and an earlier project with the same name-del-midi-de-estudi already exists, it is incremented version N in 1.
On the “Inici” screen, instead of dragging a midi file to “Fitxer Midi Estudi” you can drag a project: Click on “explorer”, expand the “proEstudi” folder and drag the project to “Fitxer Midi Estudi”.