Installation and execution

infor4R Music sequencer. Installation and execution

Installing in a Windows environment
1. Download the / musicaV7 compressed folder named “_” . To download click ……
infor4R Music Sequencer

2. Unzip the file “_” and get the folder / musicaV7
3. Upload the / musicaV7 folder directly from the C: disk or from any other folder.

Contents of the / musicV7 folder

  • melodia: Folder where the .mids obtained with the SaveMelody function of the infor4R sequencer program are saved.
  • harmonia: Folder where the .mid obtained with the SaveHarmonia function of the infor4R sequencer program is saved.
  • bateria: Folder where the .mids obtained with the SaveBattery function of the infor4R sequencer program are saved.
  • estudi: Folder where the .mids obtained with the SaveEstudi function of the infor4R sequencer program are saved.
  • fusio: Folder where the .mid obtained with the SaveFusio function of the infor4R sequencer program is saved.
  • proEstudi: Folder where .prj projects obtained with the SaveProject function are saved in the Studio panel
  • proFusio: Folder where .prj projects obtained with the SaveProject function are saved in the Fusion panel
  • themes.MIDI: Folder and subfolders containing original .mid clips obtained from the Internet or other sources.
  • filesXML: xml files used by the infor4R sequencer application.
  • temporal: Intermediate file used by the infor4R sequencer application
  • images: Image file used by the infor4R sequencer application.
  • nomUltimsMidi.txt: Files used by the infor4R sequencer application to “remember” the names of the last session.
  • log4j-1.2.8.jar: jar required by infor4R sequencer.
  • xercesImpl.jar: jar required by infor4R sequencer.
  • musicaV7.jar: Application infor4R sequencer.
  • musicaV7.bat: Execution bat. Start the infor4R sequencer application

Log file

The application creates a logs.txt file in the C: / musicaV7  folder. Where it leaves “logs” of the functions performed.

Note: The logs.txt file is always created in the C: / musicaV7  folder, still that the / musicaV7  folder has another path. If the C: / musicaV7 folder is not created, the logs.txt file will not be retrieved. .

Run the JAM Music Sequencer app

Inside the / musicaV7 folder is a boot bat: musicaV7.bat . If the folder / musicaV7 hangs directly from C: you do not need to modify the boot bat, if it has been installed in another path you have to edit the bat musicaV7.bat and modify the route C: / musicaV7 / for the new route .

Run the bat by double-clicking. The first time you run windows it gives a message of “unknown author”, you need to click on “more information” and run the infor4R Music sequencer application. The following times no message appears.


  • Java Machine (Probably already installed)
  • Java Runtime Environment: JRE component that is also likely to be already installed. The JAM application is tested with version 6 of the JDK. If you want, you can download Version 6 by clicking on …… JDK Version 6 downloading the file “_” and unzipping the folder /jdk.V6 with an executable to install the V6 and installation instructions.
  • If desired, you can go to the Oracle download page: https: / / where you can download this component and the installation instructions.

Clips to get started

If you wish you can download the zip file “_ where you have (once unzipped the file) the folder /musicaV7.clips with a series of sample clips in the subfolders of: Studio, Fusion, Melody, Harmony and Drums. There is also a subfolder of /temes.MIDI with clips from different music groups. To use them you have to move these clips to the subfolders of the /musicaV7 folder. For download the clips click to ……
Sample music clips

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