Music infor4R sequencer. Study Phase Tutorial.
1. Get a midi file to analyze.
We can go to the “/musicaV7.clips” folder and copy part or all of the “/musicaV7.clips/temesMIDI” subfolder to the “/musicaV7/temesMIDI” subfolder. We can also get midi files over the internet. There is no need to do any of this for the tutorial as in “/musicaV7/temesMIDI” there is already a subfolder with themes from the group Ramones: “/musicaV7/temesMIDI/ramones”. We will analyze the midi “sultans.mid”
2. Start the infor4R sequencer
If we are in S.O. Windows: run the bat by double clicking on … “musicaV7.bat”. If this is the first time a windows message may appear, click on “More information” and “run”
The JAM music Sequencer screen appears
3. We click on the “explorer” button and a window with a file explorer with a series of folders appears on the left.
Click on the “/temes.MIDI” folder and the subfolders will be displayed (“ramones” will be one of the subfolders). The “/ramones” subfolder is displayed and the “sultans.mid” file will appear. Drag the “sultans.mid” file to the “Fitxer Midi Estudi” entry. Ensure that the path is correct:
“Path Fitxer Estudi”: c:/musicaV7/temes.MIDI/ramones. If not correct the Path
Click on the “Estudi” button
4. The “sultans.mid” clip analysis screen appears:
The panel contains:
A main menu bar
At the top are the general data of the topic in two lines
All instruments are broken down horizontally. One instrument per line.
A line of messages is presented at the bottom.
In the menu we have a “Play V.O.” (original version). Whenever we press this button the Original Version will sound without any changes and with all the instruments.
We have a stop button (II). And one to continue button (->) that continues after the stop.
A “stop” button that stops play and can no longer be resumed after the stop.
We also have the buttons:
– “Start” to go to the home screen
– “Exit” to exit the application.
5. Make changes at the general level.
– In the second data line of the clip we have the Scale (C Major = Do Major). We click on “Sense canvis” and the list of “Scales” in English notation is displayed (with b: flat).
We select a new scale “Db Major”
Now we do “Play Studio” and the theme will sound in D flat major.
– We can move the “Scale”. All notes on the selected Scale scroll increase by one or more tones (from +1 to +6) or decrease by one or more tones (from -1 to -6). Clicking in the field of a position next to the Scale breaks down the options from -6 to +6)
We leave the scale unchanged in Db Major (D flat major)
– You can change the BPM increase or decrease 10 by 10 (+10 and -10 keys). Or edit the field in green by entering a number + “enter”.
We reduce (-10) the BPM. From 151 -> 141
Now by doing “play studio” the clip will sound a little slower. We leave this modification.
6. Instrument level changes
6.1 – Analysis of the instruments.
In the “E” column. A “1” means active instrument, A “0” deleted instrument.
Clicking on the “E” changes all the columns at once if they are in “1” they all go to “0” and if they are to “0” they go to “1”. We click on “E” and all the instruments go to inactive.
We activate only one instrument at a time and analyze them. Channel 9 is the battery. Channel 2 (Tenor Saxophone) the melody, and the rest accompaniments (harmony). We leave only channel 2 active and click on “Save Mel” and it is captured as M.sultans.0.mid in the folder /melody in case you want to use it with other projects. The battery or some harmony can also be captured for use in other projects.
6.2 – We eliminate some instrument and modify volumes
We leave active all channels except 4 (Electric Jazz Guitar). You could make any other combination (or leave them all active).
Now turn up the volume of the melody and lower the drums and accompaniment to highlight the melody.
Doing “Play Estudi” sounds the selected instruments with the modifications.
Playing “Play Sel V.O.” the selected instruments sound without modifications.
Play “Play V.O.” the clip sounds with all the instruments and without modifications.
6.3 – Change of instrument.
We click on the “Instruments” option and a window with the instruments are displayed on the left. You can now drag an instrument over the name of the instrument you want to change. All the desired changes can be made except the “battery”. Once changed by pressing the letter “i” next to the name, the instrument returns to the original version. Clicking on the “I” at the top of the “i” ‘s column returns all instruments to those of the original version.
We change the instrument of the melody (Tenor Saxo) for example for “Sinte melodía 3 (organ)” and the “Clean Electric Guitar” for the “Flute” (Flauta Travesera)
6.4 – Project
We click on “Save projecte” and a new project “PE.sultans.0.prj” is created in the subfolder C:/musicaV7/projExtudi.
You can now click on the “Projecte” button and a text window opens and we can write considerations and a reminder. Click “Desar” to save the changes. If you log out, when you reopen the home screen in the “Fitxer Midi Estudi” field, you will have to drag the project name from the “projEstudi” subfolder
6.5 – Instrument-level scales and octaves.
We test if we like any modification more. For example, we can leave the battery back on the “Do Major” scale, although musically we have to be very careful about the scale. They do not make any changes to the scales of the instruments.
We increase the octaves of channel 0 (Electric bass without frets) by +1. From 2/1 -> 3/2
The rest without changes.
6.6 – Inversion H
By activating an inversion H (N-> 1) they change the notes from low to high and vice versa with a modulation factor.
We change the inversion H to the battery with modulation factor: 0
6.7 – Inversion V
When activating an inversion V (N-> 1) they change the sequence of the notes in opposite sense with a modulation factor.
We change the inversion V to the melody with modulation factor: 1
7 – Save the clip with the Studio modifications (Save Estudi).
As always:
Doing “Play Estudi” sounds the selected instruments with the modifications.
Playing “Play Sel V.O.” the selected instruments sound without modifications.
Play “Play V.O.” the clip sounds with all the instruments and without modifications.
We can make changes or create new ones.
Now we do “Save Estudi” and the clip that sounds in “Play Studio” is saved in the subfolder: “C:/musicaV7/estudi” in midi form with the name: E.sultans.0.mid
It is also convenient to save the Project, updating the text window if desired, to make variations later.
8 – Edit clips obtained via infor4R sequencer
Clips obtained in the infor4R sequencer can be converted from midi to mp3 and then edited with any music editor (Ableton, Cubase,…) to remove dissonant parts, repeat sequences, soundtracks, .etc.